Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Long weekend equates to no work.

This last weekend was so active. I did many-a things.

On Friday...I went to a mud-wrestling frat/sorrority party. One of my friends knew the guy planning the festive event. So, we packed into Andrea's car and got there. We waited....and waited....and waited. Finally at midnight, after the wrestlers got "loosen" up. They came out and mud-wrestled. It was boring after five minutes and I got mud and water on my clothes. Not too much, but enough to get me annoyed. But...the highlight was when a crazy bearded man got on the platform and proceeded to strip and then jumped into the mud. A skinny skrawny mid-aged man. He was obviously really drunk. But, the security came and got him out of the mud and made him put his clothes back on. Then, kicked him out. When we left, I saw him standing under a shadow of a tree in front of the fraternity house head bowed and looking desperately forlorn. As if he was expelled by God from the Garden of Eden. He carried such a desolate look. Such sadness.... I don't know why, but I really symphatized with this drunken man. It seemed so pure. No care for dignity or shame. He just stood outside - under a shadow of a tree caused by a nearby streetlight (obviously for dramatic effect) - solitary and rejected in a slouched posture with a bowed head staring into the ground blacken by night and rain. I was staring back as we walked away.

On Saturday, I went of San Francisco.

Sidenote -
here's a little exerpt from my wonderful high school recounted by a friend who goes there now:

dreaminjuls: some kid had two knives
dreaminjuls: two swords, and he'd wanted to take people out
dreaminjuls: but teachers definitely saw him armed
dreaminjuls: so they were chasing after him
dreaminjuls: as he was running away
dreaminjuls: a kid got in his way
dreaminjuls: so he slashed him
dreaminjuls: the kid had 17 stitches at arlington memorial
dreaminjuls: the security took him down
dreaminjuls: and then clases continued as usual

SERIOUSLY! GEEZ!!! Stupid kids are so damn impressionable. And movies like Kill Bill don't help. WTF!!!

Anyhow, back to SF. I went to SF by myself at 2:30 PM and wandered around Chinatown until Steph and Alissa meet with me at 6 PM. So many ASIANS!!! Wow. There are so many. many.... (I have to emphasis it). I wandered and brought two worthless things because everyone else was doing it. (and I couldn't stop myself) I got myself a lantern and a medal-ish thing. I'll take a pict and post it sometime. But, I saw so many interesting couples along the way. Take a flamboyant fat sloppy asian with a bright-eyed wannabe gangsta. I made me wonder how they came to be. How did that happen? Doesn't it make you think? Then you think about yourself - what will you be? Haha. But, the mentioned couple was walking behind me for a good while and their conversation was even more entertaining. But, yeah.... oh, here's the link to the site of the SF Chinese New Year Parade. Overall, it was really rainy - meaning it was raining on and off the entire time. I had with me a bright blue umbrella so I was content. I found a really awesome playground/park in the middle of the city. It was so great. Haha. Exciting huh? Well, Steph, Alissa, and I didn't really watch the parade. We kinda chased it. The main goal of the night was to eat good Chinese food. So, it was necessary to get to that street. However, the parade blocked everything. We had to follow the entire parade route to get to that street. But, some blocks were completely blocked with people, so we had to circumvent blocks (like three times). So, by that time, we were tired and whatnot, so we stopped to eat at a restaurant and didn't care for the parade.

The food was AMAZING! It wasn't too expensive either. I think the restaurant's name was Oriental Pearl - really nice and formal with good food and relatively inexpensive. So, I was happy. Then, afterward, we thought we would miss our train - hence, we ran to the train station only to discover that there wasn't a 9 PM train on Saturdays. Yeah, sweaty and angry. The Caltrain was also running slower that night. I got back to the dorm at 11:40 PM. I was bummed out. So, I went to bed.

On Sunday, I did nothing except watch the Simpsons.

Monday was a holiday (no school). I went to SF to watch La Mala Educacion by Almodovar. It was exceedingly good. But, it was pretty explicit - artfully explicit, not too vulgar. (the lighting and hues for those scenes were great). Haha, the cinematography was oh-so precise. There were plenty of loaded themes and it was thoughtful. I liked it. You should see it.

I got back at 5 PM and worked until 7 then went to Orgo review session until 8:30 then went to ASES meeting that got cancelled. I missed dinner and was insanely tired. Chem 2nd Midterm was not too satisfactory. English paper was not uplifting. Last Econ midterm was not reflective and also disappointing. I guess right now is a dark period for me. Hmmmm.

I saw Twelfth Night yesternight by Stanford Shakespeare Society. It was really enjoyable. Nice bending of sexuality. Shakespeare really hit the spot.

Okay, tonight I MUST go out and have some fun. OH, it's almost that special day again. I'm sure you know what that means. Hopefully it'll be a nice day. I want to have a nice dinner the following Friday with friends. I won't build any expectations though.

Okay. C'est tout. I'll get back to you later.


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